Yesterday I half-awoke as dawn fractured the sky. Heavy-eyed, I lethargically dressed and dragged my sleepy self around my apartment in an attempt to organize my life enough to vote and work. I heaved my legs down the stairs one by one, purse in tow, and managed to get in the car in between yawns and deliriousness. As I drove I looked at the voting address. I drove one block before distinguishing my destination. It was in a garage: just a normal garage. It could have been my garage.
For those of you who don’t live or vote in San Francisco , I have two features to divulge:
1. We (San Franciscans) vote in garages.
2. Prop R: Re-naming a sewage plant from the Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant to the George W. Bush Sewage Plant. Advocates of the prop: Bush is liable for the economy and the Iraq war and identifying a sewage treatment plant with our current president is suitable. Adversaries of Prop R: the plant is superior and reliable, thus the alteration is unfair to the sewage plant.
Oh how I love living in San Francisco!
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